Gamers Helping Gamers Scholarship

This article contains the A to Z of Gamers Helping Gamers Scholarship. Have you been in search for it? Then, follow me closely as we explore all you need to know.

You will agree with me that the cost of studying is no longer a child’s play. Everyone is seeking ways to navigate and cut down some costs. This can be done by applying for grants, loans, scholarships, and many others.

In recent times, the application to scholarships has taken the lead as the majority of the students are seen applying to scholarships like the Ge Reagan Foundation scholarship, the college jumpstart scholarship program, and even the Zell Miller scholarship.

Medical students are shooting in their applications to the Health Professions Scholarship, Hispanic students are sending in theirs to the Hispanic scholarship fund, vegetarians are not left out as they are applying to vegetarian scholarships, and the list continues.

This is to show you how scholarship has helped and is still helping students and individuals. In this article, we will be exploring the Gamers Helping Gamers scholarship offered to those who play the game Magic: The Gathering. You are ready to take the ride with me, right?

Do check out this article on the Union Plus scholarship as well as the Verizon scholarship program in case you are interested. Let’s get started on our topic.

About Gamers Helping Gamers Scholarship

Gamers Helping Gamers scholarship is sponsored by a non-profit organization whose aim is to assist college students and aspirants who play Magic: The Gathering.

This scholarship is designed to reward anyone in a high school or aspiring to enter high school who loves and plays Magic: The Gathering. The amount is valued at about $5,000.

The awardee is selected based on answering a few questions on how positively the game has impacted life and career goals. I implore you to put your passion to work if you are a lover of Magic: The Gathering.

Gamers Helping Gamers Scholarship Eligibility Requirements

These are the various criteria you must meet before applying for the Gamers Helping Gamers scholarship program. It is important that you pay keen attention as I list them.

  • You must know how to play Magic: The Gathering before applying
  • You must be a high school senior or aspiring to be one.
  • You must complete a FAFSA.
  • You must be a US citizen or a permanent resident.
  • You must be ready to present your well-written essay and official transcripts from school.

Gamers Helping Gamers Scholarship Application

Having seen the eligibility criteria for you to apply, here are the steps to take if you qualify.

  • Submit your online application, and make sure it is completely filled.
  • Fill out and submit the FAFSA form.
  • Prepare your well-written essay.
  • Provide all official academic transcripts from past institutions attended.
  • Provide your personal statement and recommendation letters.

It is important to note that this scholarship is non-renewable, and the application deadline is usually March 31st. The total amount awarded is $5,000.

You can get started through this link below;

Scholarship Website


At this juncture, I can say that I have provided all you need to know about the Gamers Helping Gamers Scholarship. If you are an avid fan of Magic: The Gathering, I see no reason you shouldn’t shoot in your application.

I wish you the best of luck!
