Most professions have been male-dominated, some are hugely dominated by these guys, while some are mildly dominated. A lot of private and public organizations realize the margin between the genders and intend to close the gap, that’s why they provide lots of financial aid like helicopter pilot scholarships for women and many others.
Agriculture on the other hand is one of those industries where men are mildly dominating because women in this industry have increased to 43%. This means the gap has been reducing over the years, however, most of these people are young ladies, who are still trying to master the art of agriculture.
Thanks to lots of organizations that provide scholarships for female agriculture students. Even though the amount might seem small compared to the increase in school fees, but the number of scholarships is starting to increase seeing the growing number of women entering the agricultural sector.
So, we have compiled most of these scholarships, but don’t relax only with them, try and apply for others provided by your school or other organizations.

Table of Contents
Scholarships for Female Agriculture Students
The truth is most of these agricultural scholarships for female students we listed might seem small, but you should know that most of them are coming from alumni, and non-profit organizations that intend to help out. What you can still do is combine them with other scholarship applications.
Let’s get started
1. Maxine Sampson Scholarship for Women in Agriculture
This is among the scholarships for women agricultural students that are provided by IOWA State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The scholarship is for a female entering freshman with financial needs with a high school GPA of 2.5 or above.
Applicants need to fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form, and this form is filled out annually to be eligible for many other scholarships available.
2. American Agri-Women Daughters of American Agriculture Scholarships
The American Agri-Women is providing two Daughters of American Agriculture Scholarships, they include;
- Jean Ibendahl Scholarship (for ages 18-23)
- Sister Thomas More Bertels Scholarship (for ages 24+)
These two scholarships are available to any farm, ranch, or agribusiness woman or her daughter to pursue accredited courses in agriculture leadership, communications, rural sociology, medicine, or any other courses directly related to agriculture. Applicants need to be a farmer or rancher or be the wife, daughter, or close relative of a farmer, rancher, or other person employed in agriculture.
3. American Agri-Women Gail McPherson Fly-In Scholarship
This is one of the scholarships for female agriculture students that are awarded to two kids 8-18 years of age, which will pay $200 towards expenses for the AAW Washington D.C. Fly-In. Applicants need to be a Legacy Kid member of AAW to be eligible.
4. Kentucky Women in Agriculture Scholarships
In keeping with the mission to empower women in agriculture through education, involvement, and action, the Kentucky Women in Agriculture organization offers a scholarship for women who are full-time students entering their junior year in college through graduate school.
Scholarship applicants must demonstrate the degree they are seeking relates to agriculture, demonstrate need, and be enrolled as full-time students. Also, applicants need to be female residents in Kentucky with a minimum GPA of 2.5.
The scholarship is worth $1,000 and will be paid to the applicant in one $500 increment each semester.
5. Land O’ Lakes Scholarship for Women and Minorities in Agriculture
This is another scholarship for women agriculture students that is provided by IOWA State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The scholarship is for incoming freshmen in CALS who are female and/or minority students with a high school grade point average of 3.0 or higher pursuing a career in agricultural production such as, but not limited to, dairy, crop, and livestock production, agribusiness, food industry, agricultural supplies, and business services.
6. Cynthia Sue Jacobson Hansen Memorial Scholarship
This is also another scholarship for female agricultural students provided by IOWA State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The award is for female students enrolled in CALS (excluding the pre-veterinary programs) who demonstrate enthusiasm toward their studies and show an active interest in departmental activities and a career interest in production agriculture.
7. Red Ants Pants Foundation
The mission of this foundation is to enrich and promote rural communities and they accept applications from women that support this same mission. The Red Ants Pants Foundation provides different grants (grants are like scholarships that don’t require payback) ranging from $500 to $5,000.
8. The Monsanto Scholarship Submission
The Monsanto Fund provides different agriculture scholarships for women which is a part of Monsanto’s broader focus on innovation and investment in agriculture. Some of their scholarships include;
- Monsanto Fund 1890 Student Scholarship will award 10 (ten) $10,000 scholarships to selected undergraduate students annually
- The Monsanto Graduate Student Scholarship will award 10 (ten) $25,000 scholarships to selected students pursuing a graduate degree
- Monsanto STEM Fellowship has made a $1 million commitment over three years to support high achieving racial/ethnic minority and female students pursuing a Ph.D. degree in agriculture or STEM-related discipline.
9. International Association of Agricultural Economists scholarship
The IAAE is providing $4,500 for one Summer School scholarship for a female graduate student or junior professional from Africa. The awardee must be an IAAE member, however, the scholarship can be used to cover the membership cost.
10. Jarvis Memorial Scholarship
This is among the scholarships for female agriculture students provided by Gloria Turnbull, York, Nebraska that is worth $500 and it’s non-renewable. Together with other requirements applicants need to be Female born high school graduates and Must have applied or been accepted (preferred) to the University of Nebraska -Lincoln.
11. H.B. Campbell Memorial Scholarship (Sikeston)
This scholarship is named in honor of Mr. H.B. Campbell by his daughter Ms. Harryette Campbell. It shall be awarded to a female student living in southeast Missouri attending Southeast Missouri State University-Sikeston campus majoring in agriculture.
12. Virginia Doris Craig Scholarship
This is one of the financial aids for female agricultural master’s students that is focusing on Vocational Technical Administration. Applicants need to have Arkansas State University’s college of agriculture program and have completed 18 hours of coursework.
13. Animal and Dairy Science: Cynthia Curtis Scholarship
The Cynthia Curtis Scholarship is awarded to female students that have a minimum GPA of 3.5 and have demonstrated leadership skills and an interest in the animal agriculture industry, especially in the beef cattle industry.
14. Margaret and Mark Garibaldi Award
This scholarship is provided by UCDAVIS College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. It supports one student in the college from California with a preference for San Francisco Bay Area students who identify as female.
15. Betty P. and Elwain C. Dreyer, Sr. Scholarship for Female Students
Income provides scholarships to ATI students with a minimum 2.0 GPA first preference to female students; financial need consideration.
16. Joan M. Comanor Scholarship
The Joan M. Comanor Scholarship scholarship is provided by the University of Nevada, Reno’s College of Agriculture, Biotechnology & Natural Resources. It’s worth at least $1,100 and awarded to two female students with a minimum 3.00 University of Nevada, Reno GPA.
17. The Jeannette Rankin Foundation (JRF)
The Jeannette Rankin Foundation empowers women age 35 and older to complete their college degrees and transform the next chapter of their lives. The foundation provides 3 different scholar grants, which include;
- National Scholar Grant
- Emerge Grant
- Native Woman Scholar Grant
You can see there are a handful of scholarships for female agriculture students, even though the prices might not be so much. At least, they can help pay part of your fees, and you can still take advantage of other scholarships provided by your school.
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