Statistics show that black youth are among the highest population of those who are not properly served in society. And, we could trace this down to the level of high school drop-out amongst Blacks. We could say that affordability is one of the major causes of these dropouts and low graduation rates in college. The bright side is that so many organizations and schools now provide different Black Catholic scholarships, that can help reduce the cost of education. And, speaking of Catholic scholarship, we won’t deny the fact that attending a Catholic or other faith-based school comes with lots of advantages, especially in instilling Christ-like values in students. If you or your kid is in high school, or you intend to enroll in a Private Christian School, there are some scholarships that you might be eligible for.
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Regarding most of these scholarships, you don’t need to be a practicing Catholic or even a Christian to be eligible, however, you need to intend to study or already attending a Catholic-affiliated institution.
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When someone or an organization can completely relate with your problem they endeavor to provide a solution that is appropriate for you. That’s exactly what we can say of the Diocese of Phoenix here, they understand how underserved the blacks are, the rates of high school dropouts, and few undergraduate enrollment rates.
Can You Purchase Ambien Online If you’re an African American residing in the Phoenix metropolitan area and are planning to attend a local Catholic school or any college within the United States, then you could be eligible for this scholarship. Learn More
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- Worth: up to 100% Tuition
Sleeping Pills Zolpidem Buy CTU, a premier school of theology and ministry, sponsored by twenty-four religions, provides Black Catholic scholarships of up to 100% tuition. You must have earned your bachelor’s degree or its equivalent, showcase a sense of call to professional ministerial leadership within the Roman Catholic Church, plus other requirements to be eligible. Learn More
Purchase Clonazepam Online 3. The Sister Thea Bowman Black Catholic Education Foundation Scholarship This scholarship focused on Blacks that has had severe financial constraint over academics. Recipients won’t only receive financial resources for academic purposes in one of the many Catholic institutions of higher education, but also will receive mentoring, spiritual and civic enrichment opportunities, and community service.
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This is among the African-American Catholic scholarships that support high school seniors or vocational school students of African descent from the Archdiocese of Newark. Just like the previous scholarship, this one also goes beyond the financial resources, it also provides leadership development and spiritual enrichment.
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Order Clonazepam Without Prescription 5. University of Notre Dame – Cyprian Davis, O.S.B., Prize
This scholarship is awarded to students of any academic discipline, beside the $1,000 cash prize, each year’s prize winner is invited to the annual meeting of the American Catholic Historical Association to be recognized along with other honorees of the association. 6. African American and Native American Ancestry Scholarship
Besides being of African American or Native American Ancestry to be eligible, applicants also need to be enrolled, or in the process of enrolling, in a Catholic School (Preschool-12) in the Diocese of Raleigh. You must not be a practicing Catholic, and awards are given based on the level of funds received.
7. Black And Indian Mission Office Grants
Just like Black Catholic scholarships, these grants don’t need to be repaid, these grants are meant to support the evangelization of African-American, Native American, and Alaska Native Communities. The grant will provide free tuition assistance for African American and Native American students attending Catholic Elementary Schools and Catholic High Schools.
8. Institute for Black Catholic Studies Scholarship
IBCS provides a Master of Theology (Th.M.), an advanced theological degree for specialized academic or ministerial preparation. Before you’ll be eligible for their scholarship, you must have completed and submitted the appropriate IBCS program application.
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9. South Jersey Catholic Schools – Black Catholic Ministry Scholarship
The Black Catholic Ministry Scholarship is awarded to black eighth graders entering a Catholic high school in the diocese. Scholarships are funded with proceeds from an annual dinner dance and are paid during recipients’ freshman year.
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Buy Ambien Sleeping Pills Uk 10. Monsignor Slade Catholic School – Daniel Rudd Scholarship Fund
The scholarship was named after the founder of the National Black Catholic Congress, and it’s open to low-income African American Catholic students currently residing in the metropolitan area of Baltimore and enrolled in a Catholic elementary or high school within the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
11. Archbishop Karl J. Alter Scholarship
This is among the Black Catholic scholarships provided by African American Pastoral Ministries, and it was established in 1964. The aim of the scholarship is to assist graduating senior high school students in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati who are African American and Catholic to attend a college or university. 12. Lora’s College Fr. Norman Dukette Scholarship
- Ranges between $1,500 to $3,000
Besides the scholarships and grants that every degree-seeking undergraduate student currently enrolled at Loras will receive, the Fr. Norman Dukette Scholarship is another scholarship exclusively for Blacks. $1,500 annual scholarships are awarded for the first two years at Loras College and $3,000 annual scholarships are awarded for the last two years.
One of the eligibility requirements is to complete a FAFSA each year. Learn More
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One of the interesting things about these African-American Catholic scholarships is that it reduce competition, however, their amounts are not really so big. We would advise you to apply for other scholarships to add to them. Authors Recommendations
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