We all have dreams of something, whether it’s the dream to make a positive impact on the world such as becoming a doctor to heal people or becoming a politician to institute a better society. A dream of becoming the next Pablo Picasso with amazing, formidable paintings, the next Elon Musk that produces some of the craziest inventions, or the next LeBron James. Or your dream is to become the CEO of a major company, a teacher who makes students feel at home when you’re around, or you have a dream of writing some amazing novels, etc.
There are lots and lots of dreams we have, especially when we were young, this is the time to speak out about it – definitely not your “dream girl/boy” kinda dream.
Unigo’s “I Have a Dream Scholarship” wants to hear about that dream that inspires you, that makes you feel like “yes this is who I was created to be,” or the dream you just had a few nights ago and can’t forget. This is the moment you take that excitement and feeling, and turn it into writing for a chance to win college funds.
Even if your dream is not one of these ambitious dreams but just a dream that you woke up with and you can remember every detail about it (it might even look as if it is sending you a message). Whether you had a dream last night, a few days ago, or some weeks ago, you can still narrate it to Unigo.
Moreover, financial assistance like the Straight A Scholarship, MyMozaic scholarship, the Frame My Future Scholarship, etc, are all aligned to hearing about your dream.
This scholarship doesn’t only help you take deep thoughts of your dreams but also share them with some people willing to listen.
Let’s learn more about this scholarship.

Table of Contents
About the I Have a Dream Scholarship
Talking about this scholarship won’t be complete without mentioning the provider of the scholarship, Unigo, which helps students navigate the world of college admission, and also provides scholarships to lessen their financial burden. Their scholarships can be as weird as the Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship, or as interesting as the “Do Over” Scholarship.
This I Have a Dream Scholarship is just like it sounds. Unigo wants to hear about your dream, whether you have ambitious, futuristic ones, or just that interesting dream you had last night.
The winner of the scholarship will receive $1,500 worth of scholarship.
I Have A Dream Scholarship Requirements
To be eligible for this scholarship, you just need to meet a few requirements which are:
- To be 14 years of age or older at the time of application
- Be a legal U.S. resident
- Be a resident of one of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia.
That’s it, that’s all you need to apply, no GPA, no transcript, or extracurricular activities.
Tips to Win the I Have A Dream Scholarship
There is always fierce competition whenever the entrance requirements to a scholarship are very simple, so it is in this case. But, how do you make your dream stand out among other students? That’s what we’ll help you to do here.
- Before you dive into writing your dream, you need to first sit down and brainstorm on the dream that inspires you the most, that you can’t just forget. And ask yourself the “why” question.
- When you start, ensure you hook their attention from the beginning of your sentence.
- Don’t just tell them about your dream, you need to take them to the imagination lane. Use descriptive details to illustrate your dream.
- Of course, proofreading is something we won’t stop telling our readers to do in any scholarship application, so be sure to do it in this I Have a Dream Scholarship too. Having grammatical errors and typos makes you sound amateur, you can even ask one of your trusted friends or family members to listen to you as you read it out.
- If you’re speaking of your ambitious dreams you should highlight some of the steps you’ve taken to pursue your dream.
Pro tip: be specific, don’t do what most people usually start with like “I want to be a doctor,” but be unique. You should go deeper by telling them the field of medicine that interests you and why it does.
Bonus Tip: Even though it is inappropriate to copy what others did, you can learn the strategy past winners followed to convince the judges that their essay was the best. You should take some time to read their essays and understand the structure they followed in writing them.
How to Apply for the I Have A Dream Scholarship
If you’re eligible, you should follow this procedure to apply.
First of all, you need to visit their official website to either register for free or log in if you’ve already registered before. If you’re registering you’ll see an option to select if you’re a student, a parent registering for your child, or a counselor.
You need to provide some basic information like name, birthdate, address, State, GPA, and phone number. After you’ve provided this information, you should click on the “Create new account,” button.
Key Takeaway
Unigo’s “I Have a Dream Scholarship” is more than a financial assistance, it is a way to express your dream and ambition to the judges, and the world if you eventually win. Because your essay story will be published alongside the previous winners.
We have provided enough guidance to help you out, you should combine it with proper planning and passion to craft a compelling essay.
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